Help your team do what you want, how you want it.

Drumbeat is a 24/7 AI assistant that operationalises your vision, strategy and goals in the tools where your team already works.

Be in the room 24/7

Ever dreamed of being able to guide each team member towards company goals without micromanaging and disregarding earthly constraints such as sleep or timezones? Well, Drumbeat makes it possible.

Use where you already work

You configure Drumbeat by typing or talking to it over a PM—as you would to any other person. After that discussion, Drumbeat is ready to help your team both in PMs and channels—where they already work.

Revise and clarify what's unclear

Drumbeat collects constant, unobtrusive feedback from your team about your vision, strategy and goals. Instead of "setting and forgetting" your direction every once in a while, course-correct immediately when something is interpreted wrong, misunderstood, or deemed inactionable.

Get the right things done.

Drumbeat is currently in development with selected few early adopters. Next, we'll open it up to a few more. Fancy being one of them?